Who we are

The Body Mechanic is Rhia Macauley, a MSK Clinician with over 15 years of experience. She first began sports massage when training as a professional dancer, as a way to keep her classmates moving! When she retired, the obvious choice was to retrain to learn more about the body’s anatomy and injury rehabilitation.

The switch from dancer to cycling is maybe not as strange as you might initially think. Both require great stamina and power, as well as years of training to become the best at your craft. Although Rhia started cycling as part of her own injury rehabilitation, it quickly became a huge part of her life thanks to the welcoming cycling community.

Rhia has worked with World Tour and Continental cycling teams, being lucky enough to experience some of the best cycle races in the world. This has led to her building expertise in endurance sport injury treatment and rehabilitation (not just cycling!).

  • BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy

  • Advanced Medical Acupuncture

  • IFBI Level 2 Bike Fitter

A woman in a blue jacket with sunglasses on her head standing close to a man in a red shirt, outdoors in a sunny setting.

Contact us

Any questions? Please get in touch!